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The Western Lit Survival Kit (Part A): Homer to Shakespeare - Page 3

The source book has been described as "a side-splitting tour that makes it a blast to read the Western literary canon, from the ancient Greeks to the Modernists." In other words, the books on this list are mostly well-known classics and should be able to withstand a bit of mockery.
This is the 1st instalment of a challenge derived from "The Western Lit Survival Kit: An Irreverent Guide to the Classics, from Homer to Faulkner" (Sandra Newman, 2012). The texts used in the challenge are those that Newman has rated from one to ten in the areas of Importance, Accessibility, and Fun. So it is worthwhile dipping into the source text.
To add to the humour, Robert Herrick's profile looks just like mine when I was in my twenties in the 1970's.
368 users · 1,210 views
made by Markd9528
avg. score: 20 of 103 (19%)
required scores: 1, 6, 11, 19, 32 

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Page 3 of 3
The Merry Wives of Windsor (William Shakespeare)
The Merry Wives of Windsor (William Shakespeare)
Love's Labour's Lost (William Shakespeare)
Love's Labour's Lost (William Shakespeare)
Twelfth Night (William Shakespeare)
Twelfth Night (William Shakespeare)
As You Like It (William Shakespeare)
As You Like It (William Shakespeare)
The Complete Sonnets and Poems (William Shakespeare)
The Complete Sonnets and Poems (William Shakespeare)
The Poems of Robert Herrick (Robert Herrick)
The Poems of Robert Herrick (Robert Herrick)
The Poems of Richard Lovelace (Richard Lovelace)
The Poems of Richard Lovelace (Richard Lovelace)
The Poems of Sir John Suckling (John Suckling)
The Poems of Sir John Suckling (John Suckling)
The Poems of Thomas Carew (Thomas Carew)
The Poems of Thomas Carew (Thomas Carew)
The Complete English Poems (John Donne)
The Complete English Poems (John Donne)
Complete English Poems (George Herbert)
Complete English Poems (George Herbert)
The Complete Poems (Henry Vaughan)
The Complete Poems (Henry Vaughan)
Poems (Abraham Cowley)
Poems (Abraham Cowley)
The English Poems (Richard Crashaw)
The English Poems (Richard Crashaw)
The Complete Poems (Andrew Marvell)
The Complete Poems (Andrew Marvell)
Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners (John Bunyan)
Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners (John Bunyan)
The Pilgrim's Progress (John Bunyan)
The Pilgrim's Progress (John Bunyan)
Paradise Lost (John Milton)
Paradise Lost (John Milton)
Paradise Regained (John Milton)
Paradise Regained (John Milton)
Samson Agonistes and Other Poems (John Milton)
Samson Agonistes and Other Poems (John Milton)
Hudibras (Samuel Butler)
Hudibras (Samuel Butler)
The Anatomy of Melancholy (Robert Burton)
The Anatomy of Melancholy (Robert Burton)
The Compleat Angler (Izaak Walton)
The Compleat Angler (Izaak Walton)
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