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The Ten Worst Westerns of All Time According to Reddit

Everyone loves a good Western. Some viewers might be more into the old-school films that often presented clear tales of heroes besting villains in a lawless society. There are newer, grittier Westerns that deconstruct the older ones, and the whole Spaghetti Western sub-genre often does that too. And then there are those movies that combine Western tropes with other genres, becoming thrillingly unpredictable and fresh in the process. But while everyone loves a well-done Western, the less-than-stellar ones are ultimately more of an acquired taste. No genre is perfect, and the following movies demonstrate that this is plain to see for Westerns, too. Some may hold some entertainment value, some may be so bad they're good, and some may even have a small group of fans. However, these films don't exactly represent the best of what the West has to offer, so Western fans should tread carefully when watching these while keeping their hands close to their holsters at all times.
80 users · 272 views
from · made by Dbassler
avg. score: 2 of 10 (22%)
required scores: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 

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Ambush at Cimarron Pass (1958)
Cimarron (1931)
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