The Snowiest Place in Each U.S. State
From The Weather Channel website: "We tallied snowfall totals for the 30-year period – July 1, 1985, through June 30, 2015 – for every location in NOAA's official climate database, looking for the top total in each state. After inspecting each state's winner for any missing or otherwise erroneous data, here's what we came up with." Notes: Florida's selection was based on 60 years of data (back to July 1955) because it receives so little snowfall. In certain cases (New York, Colorado), because the location in question was within or close to another, larger town, I put that town on the list rather than the actual record-holder. For others (the entire Pacific coast, Arizona, Hawaii, Tennessee), the winner was a location within a national park, so I put the relevant park on the list rather than the specific location. See the link for details.
avg. score: 5 of 50 (10%)
required scores: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6