The Romance, the Fantasy, the History
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I like to read, which is a bit of an understatement. When I was little, I had my mom put a nightlight in my room, not because I was afraid of the dark, but because I would stay up past midnight reading, and I didn't want her to notice. These are some of the books that I've read more times than necessary or have left a great lasting impression on me, unlike some series, who to this day still make me angry ( cough, cough, Vampire Academy, The Luxe, and a Great and Terrible Beauty.) In my future Library, most, if not all of these books will be present. Disclaimer: some of these books are grown up books so if you decide to pick one up and it's too spicy, write to the author, not me!
avg. score: 15 of 100 (15%)
required scores: 1, 8, 12, 16, 22