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The Most Criminally Underrated '80s Movies Ever According to CBR

The 1980s is a decade known for many things, from the explosion of rock and roll to iconic films, like Terminator, The Empire Strikes Back and Raiders of the Lost Ark. Despite the decade being arguably the most legendary in the history of film at least as far as modern audiences are concerned a lot of good movies continue to fly under the radar. From forgotten sequels to brilliant animated films, the decade has no shortage of films that were overshadowed by blockbuster hits. Every decade has its share of overlooked gems and, the further back audiences look, the more forgotten gems they'll find. For a decade so packed full of influential and enduring stories, it's no surprise that some would only find success as cult classics. What makes a film underrated can be in the eye of the beholder, but it's undeniable that many good films just didn't make the splash on pop culture they could have.
175 users · 323 views
from · made by Dbassler
avg. score: 5 of 15 (34%)
required scores: 1, 2, 4, 6, 8 

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Broadcast News (1987)
Broadcast News (1987)
The 'Burbs (1989)
The 'Burbs (1989)
Field of Dreams (1989)
Field of Dreams (1989)
The Great Outdoors (1988)
The Great Outdoors (1988)
Halloween III: Season of the Witch (1982)
Halloween III: Season of the Witch (1982)
The Last Unicorn (1982)
The Last Unicorn (1982)
Manhunter (1986)
Manhunter (1986)
The Mission (1986)
The Mission (1986)
Night on the Galactic Railroad (1985)
Night on the Galactic Railroad (1985)
Nighthawks (1981)
Nighthawks (1981)
Prince of Darkness (1987)
Prince of Darkness (1987)
River's Edge (1987)
River's Edge (1987)
Ruthless People (1986)
Ruthless People (1986)
Starman (1984)
Starman (1984)
Wings of Desire (1987)
Wings of Desire (1987)
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