The Most Controversial Movies of All Time According to Grunge
"In the best cases, a dramatic movie can be the equivalent of a brass knuckles punch to the collective jaw of society. The sheer size, scale, and spectacle of the big screen can create cultural zeitgeists overnight, transforming the world, spreading better understanding, or causing new debates. Film is inherently one of the most powerful mediums out there, and many filmmakers have put it to great use. On the other hand, blowouts aren't always a good thing. In some of the worst cases, a storm of controversy can be really bad. There are times when desperate producers have intentionally courted controversy just to spread awareness about a mediocre film. There are also times when a production team thinks it's skating on the edge, only to go tumbling into a black hole of protests and picket lines. These films caused widespread rage, panic, and hostility for one reason or another — even though some of them have the depth of a teaspoon. Fasten your seat belt." -
avg. score: 3 of 10 (33%)
required scores: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5