The Japanese Film: Art and Industry: 1896-1959
- Page 19
These are the films mentioned in the original 1960 edition of Joseph L. Anderson and Donald Richie's The Japanese Film: Art and Industry as published by Grove Press. Princeton University Press issued an expanded edition in 1983, but The New York Public Library does not own that edition. Films are listed in the order they are first mentioned. As a book of film history, this is in roughly chronology order, but some films are mentioned out of order, often for the sake of comparison or clustered by theme or director. Note that not every film mentioned in the book is of Japanese origin, as many non-Japanese films were popular and/or influential in Japan. Many films, especially older films, have to be represented by an unrelated image of the director, star, or studio logo, or if even that was unavailable, then national flags. Some mentions are quite oblique and not by title. On page 330, they note two Japanese remakes of Broken Blossoms, but I could find only one.
avg. score: 27 of 751 (4%)
required scores: 1, 4, 15, 25, 58