The English Teacher Looks at His Own Goodreads "Books Read" Shelf - And Is Quite Surprised
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Our maverick English Teacher, Theatre Director, movie buff,and history geek (not to mention Oxford comma user) reviews his Goodreads "books read" shelf and is quite surprised by what's there... and what isn't. He never intended the Goodreads shelf to reflect everything he's read in almost 65 years of literacy, nor did he want it to be a catalogue of professional erudition, yet he was taken aback by how eclectic and almost random it was. He was also surprised, and somewhat pleased, by the fact that so much of the fiction was popular genre fiction as opposed to the so-called "literary " type. While some of his academic interests are well-represented, he was particularly surprised by how many of the countless plays he has read, directed, acted, or teched were not included. All in all, however, he finds this large list intriguing, and hopes you will to.
avg. score: 44 of 877 (5%)
required scores: 1, 11, 29, 43, 71