The Doubles: 10 Pairs of Great Books With the Same Titles — Flavorwire
There must be something in the water this spring — that's the water the publishing industry all drinks, that is. This month, Algonquin is publishing Jill McCorkle's novel Life After Life, and in April, Reagan Arthur/Little, Brown will come out with Kate Atkinson's, er, Life After Life. Oops! Both novels, as it happens, are quite good (and are sharing top billing as the American Booksellers Association's Indie Next Pick in April), and we're looking forward to "accidentally" having to buy them both. Intrigued by this phenomenon, we dug around for other examples of two great books sporting the same title — though none of our other pairs were born so close to one another. Check them out after the jump, and let us know if we missed any of your favorite titular doppelgangers in the comments.
avg. score: 2 of 22 (10%)
required scores: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5