The Cinemaholic's 25 Best R-Rated Comedy Movies of All Time
"Comedy movies indubitably cater to the largest number of moviegoers, irrespective of their tastes. These movies are for everyone, no one really can repudiate a good laugh & fun-filled entertainment. The Rating agencies have been sentient to the uprising of these films & have promptly R-Rated them, while the audiences increasingly displayed trends of lapping them up every time a good one hit theaters. Most of these films satirize and at times juxtapose everyday life situations that adults all over the world face, while some may simply be poking a good dose of fun at a particular aspect or facet of life, the system, the government, relationships & marriages, and on and on. The syncretism of the comedy genre with almost all other genres including romance, drama, action, & even horror has produced some of the most enjoyable movies ever made. Likewise, the following list consists of some of the best adult comedies for you to watch and have a raunchy, hearty laugh." -
avg. score: 14 of 25 (57%)
required scores: 1, 6, 13, 18, 21