AAAAAAAAAAAHHHH AHHAHAHA AAAAAAA Scream and void your bowels in thanks! The only horror list worth viewing is finally here, ladies and gentlemen. The supernatural, the monstrous, the depraved have all found a home among this comprehensive catalog of creepy crap.
All the other lists attempting this have failed miserably. You idiots can't seem to tell the difference between the original Poltergeist and the 2015 version. Anyway, join me in paying tribute to the best and worst genre of film. The dizzing heights of the peakist peaks and the troughest troughs of fecal sludge have always belonged to the world of horror.
By no means complete, but by every measure the best you'll find the "Bestist most Goodestis Horror Movie" list around will satisfy all your horror needs. Prepare your anus for monsters, vampires, ghouls, giant bugs, killer robots, killer babies, chainsaw wielding fat people, evil midgets and much, much more. Have fun wasting time at work! I love you, bye!