What are the most important elements of a romantic comedy movie? The first is probably that it's on film, but that's a given. The second is that it is romantic, and third is it needs to have jokes. All of these edicts are no-brainers given the very words used in the phrase "romantic comedy movie," but when it comes to the 45 movies Decider chose for their list of best rom-coms of all time, there's something a little extra.
Is it that they're funnier? More romantic? More specific in terms of the situation of the comedy, whether it's an ill-advised bet, a time loop, or something else? Perhaps it's as simple as the chemistry between the leads, which is why iconic couples like Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan have been paired up so frequently. Or it might just be the singular stars, like Ryan and Julia Roberts, who bring the heat wherever they go. Whatever that secret ingredient is, every single one of the movies on this list has it — from When Harry Met Sally, to Can't Buy Me Love, and everything