The 30 Top Fantasy Movies of All Time
While most moviegoers and reviewers take a "you know it when you see it approach," fantasy is a tricky genre to define. Technically, any movie that contains "fantastic themes" can be considered a "fantasy film." However, by this definition, all films that include magic, monsters, time disruption, and most superhero and animated films would be considered "fantasy films." It isn't necessarily wrong, but it makes for a muddled and confused genre. Fantasy is also sometimes lumped together with sci-fi, action and horror. While sci-fi and fantasy are speculative fiction and share similarities, sometimes you really just want a great fantasy film. This list of the best fantasy seeks to help by focusing on pure fantasy films that focus on central elements of magic, mythology, folklore and new imagined worlds.
avg. score: 14 of 30 (47%)
required scores: 1, 10, 12, 16, 18