The 30 Best Adventure Movies Ever According to Marie Claire
"Stellar action and adventure elements can turn a good movie into something really special. Even better, these elements can be found in all sorts of movie genres, from spy thriller to space epic to historical drama to gritty crime story—which means that you might be able to find something on this list you enjoy, even if superheroes and sci-fi aren't your thing. There are definitely a few Marvel/DC films on here, but each film can be enjoyed on its own merits, without an encyclopedic knowledge of comics, sci-fi, or anything else. These are just a few of the best adventure films in the last 60 years, but each has a cool, distinctive approach to action within plot that makes it entertaining in its own right. They're all entertaining, and in many cases offer you the surprise ending you didn't know you needed (I tried to avoid big ending spoilers, but if you'd rather not know anything, go watch first). Maybe this'll be your new fave genre!"
avg. score: 17 of 30 (58%)
required scores: 1, 9, 15, 20, 26