The 21st Century's Most Acclaimed Films From TSPDT
- Page 12
It's no secret that film critics' opinions often are completely out of whack with popular opinion. But this is a fun list to peruse precisely because it lists short films, art gallery films, documentaries, independents, foreign, TV miniseries, animation and mainstream right next to each other. (All from the last 15 years, of course.) Some will be familiar and some I'm sure will be very difficult to find.
From Bill Georgaris' excellent blog "They Shoot Pictures, Don't They"
"The 21st Century’s Most Acclaimed Films is an annually-updated compendium of end-of-year, end-of-decade, all-time and miscellaneous lists and ballots. This is the eighth edition. It contains, based on TSPDT's calculations, the leading films (critically-speaking) from 2000 to 2014. It has been compiled from the multiple lists/ballots of 2,169 critics/sources."
avg. score: 165 of 1000 (17%)
required scores: 1, 77, 127, 171, 239