The 15+ Best Psychological Thrillers of All Time, Ranked by Slashfilm
"There's nothing movie audiences love more than poking around in a character's brain, especially when said character is, well, not particularly well-adjusted. Since the birth of film, movies have been unpacking what makes people tick, using the psychological thriller genre — which often verges on horror — to delve into the inner workings of fascinating yet unsettling characters. Whether it's a serial killer, an abusive husband, or an obsessive housekeeper, these cinematic figures give our protagonists plenty to be dealing with as they unleash chaos on all who surround them. Dark, twisted, and often disturbing, the psychological thriller keeps audiences on the edge of their seats and constantly wrongfooted, as they attempt to parse the complexity of what they're seeing. These are the best psychological thrillers the world of film has to offer." -
avg. score: 8 of 16 (49%)
required scores: 1, 5, 6, 9, 12