The 13 Best Movies About Rehab and Recovery, Ranked by Whatnerd
"Millions of people across the world suffer with addiction, whether that addiction involves alcohol, pills, sex, gambling, etc. It can feel like a dark and inescapable experience—not only for those living with it but their loved ones as well—but sometimes it can be turned around. In fact, many people are able to make it through and start living clean, healthy lives, usually with help from rehab, therapy, and community support. And, of course, Hollywood has made all kinds of movies about the dramatic struggle that is recovery. Here are my picks for the best movies about rehab and recovery, with characters who are on journeys of healing from addiction. (I've excluded films about addicts who don't make it to recovery.)" -
avg. score: 3 of 13 (23%)
required scores: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5