The 101 Movies With the Best Sex Scenes of All Time (Timeout)
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"When it comes to sex, the movie are currently going through a bit of a dry spell. It feels like it's been a long while since we've seen a hot, steamy, taboo-shattering roll in the hay – or hot tub, or midsize sedan, or literal bay of hale – in a major studio film, at least not one that truly shocks the zeitgeist and gets audiences talking. Is it because of society's general rightward shift recently? Or did filmmakers start listening to those misguided social media debates about the merits of the sex scene? In any case, it's far past time the movies got back to getting it on – and here are 101 examples why. Sure, in some cases, sex scenes can seem pointless. In the best examples of cinematic boffing, though, sex tells stories. It develops characters. Sometimes it's a punchline, sometimes it's terrifying. Sometimes, yes, it's simply meant to arouse – but titillation has value, too. Pour yourself some wine and slip into something a little more comfortable." -
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