The 100 Greatest Movies Ever According to
"Welcome to the Ultimate Cinematic Time-Travel. This "Best Movies of All Time" list is a ticket to a cinematic journey like no other. If this is your first ride on the time-travelling FrameTrek Wagon, here's what this is all about: We choose a topic, in this case: "Best Movies of All Time", and we set sail for a journey, where the bricks of the trek are made of movie frames, and each stop represents a magnificent achievement in Film. Does "All Time" actually mean "All Time" to You? In our dictionary, "All Time" means just that: From the earliest to the latest. In cinematic terms that would be: From the dawn of Cinema aka Silent Era to the current decade. Thus, on this journey, we will visit every single era of World Cinema, not just a selected few – and we'll do so chronologically. So prepare yourself, cause you're about to see silent classics, early talkies, neo-noir, retro flicks and modern blockbusters and everything in between." -
avg. score: 61 of 103 (59%)
required scores: 1, 38, 56, 69, 85