The 10 Best Movies About Grief, Ranked by Collider
"Some movies prioritize escapism over anything else, particularly those that can be slotted into high-intensity and extra stimulating genres like action, horror, adventure, thriller, or some combination of one or more of the above. And movies that give you something out of the ordinary can be a great deal of fun, though sometimes, you might be in the mood to check out something a bit more serious. Well, it would be an understatement to call the following films merely a 'bit' more serious. They all deal with one of the heaviest and most troubling emotions there is, grief, and do so in ways that feel realistic and heartbreaking, yet sometimes potentially cathartic. These movies confront loss and make their characters reckon with such difficult feelings, with the more idealistic ones suggesting how one can heal and come out the other end, and the more cynical ones showing how grief can sometimes be, regrettably, all-consuming." -
avg. score: 4 of 10 (36%)
required scores: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6