The 10 Best Low-Budget Horror Movies of All Time
"Making movies is hard. Making good ones is even harder. It's a long, exhausting and often not very interesting process, and even the smallest mistake can make quite a difference. It becomes more challenging when you're short on cash. However, talented artists have managed to do it many times.
Passionate folks out there did all kinds of things that would be considered degrading or disgusting, from getting themselves into debt and doing multiple jobs, to putting their fellows on set in danger, all for the sake of their film.
Sometimes it would work out, making the director famous and rich, giving them the chance to make a name for themselves (e.g. Craven, Lynch, Aronofsky). Sometimes the opposite happened, and the filmmaker's career would end because of the flick they made. But no matter how they turn out, low-budget pictures always have a certain charm to them, especially the horror ones."
avg. score: 4 of 10 (44%)
required scores: 1, 2, 3, 5, 8