The 10 Best Comedies of Errors, Ranked by Collider
"Some of the greatest films ever made are dramas, but there's nothing quite like a funny, well-made, truly memorable comedy. The genre is so broad that it leaves room for a multitude of subgenres, from crime capers to slapstick gems. There's one particular subgenre whose origins date back to the times of its creator, William Shakespeare: the comedy of errors. These movies feature stories kicked into high gear by a particularly big mistake, usually mistaken identity, and where the vast majority of the jokes and plot points originate from things going wrong. Incompetence, bad luck, and yes, errors abound. There aren't many characters more relatable than ones who keep making mistakes and paying the (hilarious) price, which makes these kinds of comedies particularly funny, entertaining, and easy to connect with. These are the best comedies of errors in cinema, proving that some genres and subgenres truly are timeless." -
avg. score: 5 of 10 (53%)
required scores: 1, 3, 5, 6, 8