Asexuality is valid and the A stands for Asexual not Ally. Allies are important and essential but they do not need to be apart of the acronym to be important.
Asexuality is - little to no sexual attraction.
Aromantic is - little to no romantic attraction.
Demisexual is - you need to have romantic (or a bond of some sort) feelings to feel sexual attraction
Demiromantic is - same as demisexual except it's about romantic orientation.
Gray-Ace is - is the spectrum between asexuality and allosexuality.
These humans are actors, singers, activists, writers, bloggers, youtubers, reality stars, advocates, educators and more. Some of them use multiple identifiers and some of them are heteromantic asexual, or heterosexual asexual. They are of different genders and gender identities and are from all over the world!