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Tasteofcinema's the 10 Best Movies About Psychological Duels

"Nothing escalates the tension in a great film like the promise of a climactic duel. [...]
Like in a good game of chess, the lack of verbal expression during a battle of wits often amplifies the anxiety right up to the boiling point. As each combatant tries to peer into the other's thought process, thinking one step ahead in order to predict the next move, the audience is compelled to join the game.
Part of the fun is that the film viewer also engages psychologically by trying to read the intentions of the duelists on screen; perhaps we wish to prove ourselves the ultimate victor by predicting correctly who the cinematic winner will be. Whatever our motivations for watching, psychological duels in films provide a special thrill that we just can't get enough of. Here are ten great examples worth revisiting."
178 users · 515 views
from · made by Silvia
avg. score: 3 of 10 (32%)
required scores: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 

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Cape Fear (1962)
Cape Fear (1962)
The Servant (1963)
The Servant (1963)
High and Low (1963)
High and Low (1963)
Gone Girl (2014)
Gone Girl (2014)
Knife in the Water (1962)
Knife in the Water (1962)
Woman in the Dunes (1964)
Woman in the Dunes (1964)
Diabolique (1955)
Diabolique (1955)
3 Women (1977)
3 Women (1977)
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