"Having been portrayed on screen in excess of two hundred and fifty times, producing any list of film titles featuring Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes (who first appeared in print in 1887) is no easy task. The earliest known Homes film is thought to be Sherlock Holmes Baffled a thirty-five second U.S short made in approximately 1900.
Over the years audiences have been treated to increasingly varied interpretations of Holmes: an actor drafted in to support Watson's fictitious stories in Without a Clue (1987), an animated mouse, a teenager at boarding school and more recently as a 93 year old struggling with dementia in 2015's Mr Holmes.
Content, tone, setting, budget and target audience all vary but for film buffs there are at least three, possibly two actors, who seem to constantly jostle for the top screen portrayal of Holmes – a discussion this list of 10 Sherlock Holmes Films You Must See will doubtless fuel all the more – the game is afoot…"