Vote on Suggestions
The more votes a suggestion receives, the more likely it will be implemented. Suggestions are sorted by number of up votes.
Allow previously published lists to be edited and/or added to
You guys should have a separate tab which includes just music lists. Music, for me at least, should be listed equally as movies, books, etc. It should not be under 'Other'.
Thanks & love the site! Good time filler!
Tom R.
Update: We are working on a tag system for lists that will handle other categories.
Add a TV category separate from Movies.
Update: We are working on a tag system for lists that will handle other categories.
Make it so all users can add comments, not just people with Facebook
When revisiting old lists you've done in the past it would be nice to get the items you have yet to check first in the list. That would make it far easier to complete lists, especially bigger lists. Thanks
The ability to save lists you really like and/or would like to complete as favorites, so they are easily found, would be great.
Some kind of trophy or award system for when you reach a certain level of points/rankings :)
Increase the number of items in a list displayed per page, having only 40 is annoying when trying to use longer lists. Either make it all on one page or allow the user to select.
Ability to search for an individual movie, book, album, etc. and then see which lists it appears in.
Give TV it's own category.
Update: We are working on a tag system for lists that will handle other categories.
You should make an app off this site. It would be easier to use. And we could change display number and stuff.
In the book lists, the same book may be listed three, four, five different ways, due to cover differences. It would be nice if all the same title/author books combos would be accessed when selecting book is in X lists.
Is it possible to disable checking (as watched) on films that are not to be released for (say) up to 2 years in the future? When listers claim to have seen a film that's not due for release until 2024 it skewers the list stats. Unless they can prove time travel exists, then it's cool.
When I check an item, especially movies, make it a choice to actually check that item in all lists containing this item, rather than just having to go through all lists and check them.
One could say, but that will add those lists to my profile which is not good, but the solution to that is as follows, when I add a list to my profile, ask me if I want to automatically check all things I checked from previous lists and show them as checked in this new list.
Interaction between users, especially "friends". Possibility to leave messages and comments.
Add a Video Games category for lists.
Update: We are working on a tag system for lists that will handle other categories.
Allow edits to your own "published lists"
Hide quizzes that you're not interested in taking
It would be nice if the default was "My Unused Lists" instead of "All"
Make the lists searchable for individual items
Completed 6 years ago
Be able to select a search for the longer lists so that I don't have to scroll past lists with only 10 items.
Display % of users who checked an item without having to click into 'info' tab
Make it so members can add bios on their profiles.
Can we please get a 'make dark/turn the light off' feature for light-sensitive users like me, since the site is overly too bright for the eyes of people like us and can be difficult to enjoy sometimes? It'll be much better than turning down the darkness on a laptop, so you can barely see things, so I hope you'll consider it.
When you mark of a "To Do" item because you completed it, it should automatically record it in the appropriate list it was selected from.
Update Rotten Tomatoes scores beneath movies. Older ones are often different than on RT's site and newer movies don't have them at all.
When creating a list, after you choose the poster from the pop out menu and add it to your list, your cursor should be back on the line ready for you to enter the name of the next item. It would save time and be much more convenient.
It would be great to have a feature where one could search by book title and find other lists that include the title, i.e. similar lists. It will also make it with easier to check off a completed book across multiple lists the book is featured in. Thanks!
Separate tag for video games.
Update: We are working on a tag system for lists that will handle other categories.
added 6 years ago
Update an item checked in all one's lists.
Possibility to sort lists chronologically as well as alphabetically would be very useful especially when making large film lists.
Thanks for an awesome site guys!!
Completed 6 years ago
There are some users in here making lists that make my skin crawl. They're spamming this website almost daily with trivial lists using the same boring 50 items over and over again. I guess we can't make them stop (or can we?). As a workaround, I would like to be able to mute some users' lists and/or to highlight the ones made by users that actually make a good job.
It would be good to clean this page up a little. Clear out the suggestions that have been completed. Separate the ones that are being worked on. And delete the ones that are repeats.
Lists should be able to be upvoted and such votes go to the maker's overall tally. Eg many lists are repeats except for their titles (Marvel & DC Movie lists for example). If someone creates a list that differs and is interesting, they should be able to receive some type of recognition other than number of users.
In the search for '"X lists containing this item"' lists you have already used should be the top results in search or atleast an option for 'Used lists only' in that search.
Would help when i'm marking off an item in my to-do list instead of going through all my lists to find which one has it.
Completed 6 years ago
Have used list start with the oldest first rather than the newest. Make it easier to update.
A way to report lists that are very offensive. Just saw one with a slur in the title. That shouldn't be allowed
Please allow comments that don't require Facebook. If people are rude then allow a block system or the ability to report the user. This may be a duplicate of someone's suggestion in the past, but it's still a legit suggestion. Thank you, I love this site.
added 5 years ago
Remove users and guests that boost their scores and the list's star requirements by habitually clicking on 100% of the items. Several of the highest ranked users have 100% of the items clicked on nearly every list they've played and many of the lists I have created also have a very high distribution of guest users who went in and clicked every item and threw the star totals and rankings all out of whack.
On the main page/category pages where you can sort lists by Trending, New and Popular, add a fourth option for List Length.
Make it so you can narrow your searches to only lists including your favorited items.
Let us name lists with "I" "me" "mine" in the title. It's annoying having to refer to yourself in third person in every personal list. You block these saying it's not unique enough, but I don't need lists of my blu-ray collection to be all that unique sounding.
Be able to filter searches by a single category like movies, books, music, etc.
As suggested by CQSteve, lists should be able to be down/up-voted. The idea of rewarding the publisher is good. I'm sure it would improve the lists' quality and make some users think twice before posting yet another trivial list we've seen a thousand times.
Captions on travel lists should include more information as to where it is. Country would be good, better to include the city too.
Add a function to 'Import All' from a list in one go. This would be very useful to those of us who post periodic updates to our lists using the previous version as a base. Right now I'm having to manually click though all 1500 movies I've seen to prep my future 2000 movies seen list, for example.
Being able to add things to a published list even after the limit of people using the list is reached. Therefore the lists can be up to date.
Provide a way to "bookmark" or save your favorite lists, within the site. I bookmark them on my browser, but it would be much easier to do it within List Challenges itself.
Could a list, once you start using it, divide itself into 2 "tabs" — one for items left to check off, and one for items already checked off? Eventually, all items move to the checked off tab, resulting in 1 view again ... the "all done" view. Would save time on scrolling thru long lists!! Also add even more motivation. :)
When, under stats, you go to lists containing an item and click the list, it should go straight to that item. For those who like to keep lists up to date, this would be a huge time saver.
Completed 6 years ago
It would be great if there was a way to show only the items you haven't checked yet. Especially for longer lists
Simplify the process for adding a lead picture when publishing a list.
added 5 years ago
It would be nice to be able to sort lists by how many items are on each list (so we can find shorter lists or longer lists accordingly). I also would love a randomizer button!
added 6 years ago
Add a music section.
When adding an item to a list, you should be able to drag it to the spot you like from the pop up menu instead of it simply being added to the bottom. Ideally, both options would be available. Click to have it added to the bottom of the list, click and drag to movie it where you like. It would make it much more convenient when correcting positioning on a longer list, like if you wanted to put the Indiana Jones movies together and had to move Raiders of the Lost Ark.
For the completionists, When searching for the stats of an item in a list, it should also display what number that item comes under in the list. (E.g. in a movie list 'Forrest Gump (1994) #35') would help when marking off an item with a lot of things in list.
Put up the Rotten Tomatoes score for newer movies. Also for the original Poltergeist movie, and Mission: Impossible II.
The ability to search for a specific movie etc. So you can find which lists the movie you just saw are in and check it on those lists easier.
I'd like to be able to sort my to do tab alphabetically please :)
added 6 years ago
The suggested lists under the list you're currently using should only be unused lists. Easier for continued list fun and not having to go back to the menu after every list.
Add an option to print out the titles in an UNPUBLISHED list so I can check the list is correct.
It would be nice if there was a way to do something about movies appearing multiple times. Perhaps, under the information, there could be a button to "report a duplicate" that triggered an email to listchallenges staff. Then, you could connect the two items (without removing one or the other, since the poster might be important). When a user clicks to see lists containing the item, it would show both.
It would be absolutely awesome if this was a free app because it would be easier than going into internet on phone.
Please add a way to edit published lists, I have a list of my movie collection and am always adding to it, would like to be able to edit current published lists/or have the option to copy a whole list and then add to it as a new published list.
I like the idea of adding a visual world map that can pin places you've been and places you want to go. I know this is what the "to do" section is for, but I like the websites that let you see it pinned on a map. Since list challenges is a favourite site, it would be cool if it had this feature too.
When you search for an item, it would be nice to be able to filter that search results by list type and by used or unused lists.
Put all the unpublished lists on one page WITH the option of making a list on that page like it used to be. Published lists can be on a different page and that's fine, but you know what I mean, how it used to be. List manager is somewhat obnoxious. I appreciate the effort though.
Automatically show "list info"
Maybe have a forum page.
During the creation of lists, show the information button on the titles that have been added. It will allow you to see plot and also whether that version is the most common one used on lists.
When going through lists made by a specific user, there should be an "unused" filter or atleast some way of denoting whether a particular list has been used by the current user or not, without actually opening the list.
Hello, I'm making a list of my dvd/bluray collection and want to publish it. However I'd like the option to edit and add more movies when I acquire more. Is there any way to edit a list after it's been published or copy a list before I publish it and have it in my List Manager so that I can add to that list later?
Make tv shows there own category
Update: We are working on a tag system for lists that will handle other categories.
Record the date that you did a list. Would help you find used lists that you have since completed more items on and want to update.
Please let us to delete or edit our lists when we have published them. That's would be easier if we have done a mistake to fix it.
Ability to archive completed or older versions of lists, possibly to a separate tab. This way they don't continue to remain in my list tab. Preferable to deleting them so they can still be referenced and they will continue to affect ones overall score.
Maybe you can have 2 type of lists, 1 static (since it's created is not possible to edit anymore) and 1 live (where the owner can add more itens)
Lists that are not finite need to be update, we should be allowed to update our own lists as newer items are released.
Be able to highlight a list's unchecked items. Or, be able to hide checked items. It's hard to see what I have left to do on large lists.
Bring back the blue completion button on the bottom of the screen! The new blue bar at the top is confusing because it shows how far down the list you are, not how much you have done--I would like that changed back!
You should had check boxes to the list's print format. Also, it would be interesting to import the lists to/from Excel.
Make it possible to open lists in new tabs. Like it used to be.
Completed 6 years ago
Add Item to my list :
I was thinking there will be a way to add an Item I saw in other list to my list, I think it will make things easier
Update: This is already possible using the 'Import From List' button in the list creator.
Completed 10 years ago
A search option for lists with most amount of items, as it is difficult to find longer lists amongst the shorter ones.
To help publishers, make it possible to search ALL lists in one go for an individual item. Would basically operate like pressing the information button on an item in a published list, thus giving the number of lists containing the item and a "View in new window" link. I could then search, using an uncommon book for example, to check I am not duplicating someone else's list.
Enable "in list" search. I have to page thru long lists to find the item I want to check. So I put it off until I can bear the tedium. Don't you want me to use site more often?
In your old design if I went through a list, but didn't check anything new, once I pressed show my results the list would be moved to the first page of my lists and show as recently used. Now I have to uncheck and then recheck an item for this to happen. I would like it if anytime I press "show my results" the list automatically be shown as recently used.
When adding a movie after you refresh the page, the film poster should NOT change to a different one.
List options for "People", "Characters", and "TV"
Change the posters. Whatever update you did messed with all the movie posters and half of them now use alternate posters rather than their main one
Please make lists sortable by checked/unchecked items. That way, when users go to update a list they can choose to view all the unchecked items first (or last) instead of having to scroll through pages and pages hunting for items that have yet to be checked off.
There has been a recent change which has removed most of the images from films and replaced it with an "image not available" sign. Was wondering if y'all could change it back to how it was with the images back so it won't be a pain to create hundreds of custom items
Don't let people leave hate comments. it's not fair that people like myself ,are making lists to pass the time and to keep themselves entertained through this hard time. To find out that someone has left a nasty comment. Especially, since I don't have Facebook!
It would be nice if we can edit/add items to a published list even after 10 people using the list is reached. So, the lists can be up to date.
its already been said but it should be said again,
Make the lists editable. This site is great but that one thing is making me wish there was something else. It's also pretty bonkers that you havent done it yet.
How about a rule that no offensive photos will be utilized in certain lists(Cover and List entry)
filtering search results by the criteria you, number of items, etc.
added 6 years ago
Separate category for anime/manga.
Update: We are working on a tag system for lists that will handle other categories.
Give Manga it's own category. Shouldn't be mixed with books, they are comics, not serious reading matter. No offence to fans.
Update: We are working on a tag system for lists that will handle other categories.
I would like to have a list that I can continue to add too. If there is a feature that would allow that rather than having to un-publish my list and eventually leading to the un-published button to be blocked, it would be very beneficial.
I think when you go to the "to do" page you should be able to have the item be a link to the lists said item is apart of so you can update progress on those lists.
Make an alternative list format for printing.
The ability to add a description to a list item.
Find a way to filter repetitive lists that have been made over and over again. For example, "Every MCU movie" "Every Bond movie" "Every Pixar movie". New ones can be made when new films come out, but we don't need hundreds of MCU lists while we're waiting for the next release.
Movie image have almost all been suddenly changed and a few movies like Midnight Cowboy no longer have them at all. Often the new images just don't look as good as the old ones and some have foreign titles on them rather than English ones, which isn't a problem for movies that are in foreign languages but if they're in English they should have an English poster. It would be better all round if the previous images were returned.
Make it possible to delete your published lists
Please implement some of the many popular, useful and easily doable suggestions recorded on this page. None seem to have been followed through for 2 years at least.
Copy your own published lists to new lists so you can easily add items and update them.
It would be nice if you could alphabetize your to do list.
allow the option to delete lists!!!
A option to make publishing your list private with only your friends
As a frequent list publisher, one of the great frustrations is that tired old lists published several years ago are still boosting their creator's "published list user" score (PLUS) today, making it hard to go past them on the leader board. Sometimes the creator doesn't even use the site anymore. So encourage new lists by blocking a list's contribution to the PLUS after 12 months.
A tab or place.... for a ranking system for the most added item to lists, the most checked off item, the most pinned item in order of ranking, most favorited item!! For example, say the most added item to all the lists in Travel sections is the Grand Canyon: ... #1 1500 people added Grand Canyon, #2 1495 people added Paris, #3 1494 People added Rio ect Most favorited food items are: Most watched movies are: so forth! Thank you~
Some of the pictures for places are wrong. For example, the picture commonly used for Beijing is actually of Shanghai. Yesterday I did one list that used pictures of Bora Bora for 4 different places; two even used the same picture (one was zoomed in). I suggest adding a place we can suggest changes to the pictures of places.
A button to click for seeing all items on list not checked - IMDB have this. I'm at 239/250, and I use imdb instead of list challenges so I don't have to wade through 7 pages to find what I still need to do. (I'm aware of the "to do" pin button; this goes a step further for more intuitive UX.
Best wishes
0.01 points for suggesting a feature
1.00 points for suggesting a feature that is then used.
As Chadman suggested, during the creation of lists, show the information button on the titles that have been added. But it would be even more useful if all lists containing the words of the title (eg "The Great Gatsby") would be shown, not only the lists using the particular icon I just added to my unpublished list.
Should help avoid duplication of lists already created by other users.
Make it so you can delete lists after 24 hours of making them.
The ability to block list makers who spam the site with lists or steal other people's lists.
You should have separate categories for music ect. As music is very popular, but mixed in with toys ect.
I would love to have a tab that gathers the items I have clicked on various lists so that I can refer back to it.
It would be nice if I could import the items from my favetab to make a list. Thanks for a great site.
I think you should do the picture images much better sizes
click an item and you can type in the placement within the other items. (123/500, 499/500 etc.)
Option to filter items you chick on the list
Add the ability to filter used list display for checked and unchecked items.
You should be able to see "lists containing this item" from your to do section
Fix it so items on our lists including already published don't suddenly change to something else. Just seen that any Jack Frost (1998) on my lists have transformed into Jack Frost (1997), a completely different movie! Has also happened with It (2007) and It (1990) before!
your last update was 2 years ago, can you add something new?
I would love to have this as an app on my phone so I can use it when I watch a movie or read a book when I am traveling!
The ability to see what specific items your friends have checked off of lists
How about a "Time out" feature to block some list clients because some might be a bit disturbing and unaware of what lists they post. This feature can disable a list poster from a day to a year.
The ability to block certain user's lists so they don't show up in the browse bar.
added 2 years ago
Add button to report spam lists
If you reject data tracking, the privacy pop-up now opens whenever you enter a new list/page. This makes the website incredibly frustrating to use. Please fix this so your preferences are saved and you don't have to keep clicking the 'disagree' button over and over again.
When sorting alphabetically, an option to ignore "the" in the beginning of a movies name for example. It would be a lot better organized.
You mentioned you would make separate category tabs for music a year ago. What's the progress on it?
There needs to be a way to edit lists. I have been using this for fun, but I cannot abide the "image not available" that has replaced an image on one of my lists, and if I cannot edit this to replace the image then I want no more part of this.
Abilities to revert back to recently added or a monthly sorting option cause I want to see the months I watched certain tv shows or movies
Add comments for items in the list, 150~200 characters only
Add a sort option for Rotten Tomatoes or IMDb scores
Highlight (e.g., with an asterisk) recent score changes in leaders lists.
Import list from IMDB or TV Time ( . That will make it lot easier to import and create list here.
Custom notes for every list item without having to create a custom list item
Hi! Can you make the To Do items movable! They way we can put them in order of area for Travel~
Ability to block users who steal other people's lists. I've seen this happen so many times from 1 user (Jakeira123, we all know they do this). It would be great to report the user and the lists they publish, and get people who are repeat offenders (like the aforementioned) banned and remove all of the lists they've created. Credit for lists should go to the original author.
added 4 years ago
I would like to be able to sort lists by number of items in the list or number of pages in a list. Thank you.
edit pictures in your list when link breaks or image changes
Please make this an app!!!!! It would be so much easier!
Update the suggestions tab. Delete the duplicates and the completed ones, this tab is a mess.
Remove the limitations on List Name, including the no duplicate list names rule, before it becomes an issue for list makers to keep trying to find unique titles for every single list on the site.
Allow published lists to be edited.
I wish my completed lists would go to a place where I can go look at them (and feel proud!) but no longer be mixed in with the lists I am working on. I like to see them, for different reasons than why I look through my "active" lists. Maybe a sub-filter under "Books" is "Completed" — becomes my hall of game. :)
Allow for searching of items in lists for when you have just read a book, watched a movie or been to a place and want to update in your existing lists
Please add a Video Game category.
There should be a Broken/Unfunctional Link report, I have seen a few of them and there should be a way to fix them before they get out of hand.
It would be nice if there would be a search option in the to do list
Please do not make it possible to edit lists. At first, the lack of editing power made me cranky (as it was possible at my previous list site), but I get it now. It's less than ideal on lists that can change (for example I've got a couple of US National Park lists that show the new parks), but I get it.
You've been promising for years a tab for Music, and yet...
To be able to edit our own published lists. For example, to add a recently released film to a list of the actors featured in it.
Could you show the number of people who checked an item, not just the percentage of users?
added 4 years ago
Can you add a dark mode/night mode. I know someone has already posted this; but, that was posted 2 years ago.
It would be nice if when looking at lists containing 'x title' and you filter to my used lists it were possible to organize them by date I completed, as well as popular and new.
Search the book by its author.
added 4 years ago
A following system so that users can track their favorite list makers.
Please add a function to be able to 'Import All' titles (from a really great movie list) to your own where you'd only need to make a few changes. Because this function doesn't exist, I'm having to manually click through 1000+ items. Thank you!
Check off book on every list containing it
Hello there ! Can you change that only people that has Facebook can comment Pz READ THiS COmMENT !!!!!!!!!!! Thanks .-. .~.
Allow to unpublish or edit published lists.
I think that video games and music should have there own tab
Let us use the same title more than once
Please allow us to see what items our friends have checked in a list
Please make an app for Android and iOS!
added 5 years ago
Ability to sort lists to show unchecked items first
A broken link report, since some of the lists end up with broken links and it takes forever to fix them.
Add the Trending filter to your personal page of published lists so we can see which of our lists are currently popular.
There should be an app for this
added 3 years ago
Still show the year if a movie's title is too long to fit in the box. For example: "Dr. Strangelove Or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the" should be "Dr. Strangelove Or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and... (1964)"
Please display the date when a list was made
I wish there was an "ignore" button on every list so that I could ignore the ones I don't want to take, without them sorting to the top of my unused lists every time. For example, I am never going to have read any books about the military, or any lengthy fantasy series.
For the movie section, can you extend the year to at least 1878 since the current one is from 1890-2021. There are quite a few films that I want to put that are from the year 1889-before and I can't put the correct year since it won't let me.
added 5 years ago
There should be the ability to jump to the last page, for example on the „New" tab you have to click on the last numbers a lot of times to get to older lists. There should just be a button for the last page, so it's faster and easier.
There should be a way to update images with better images for the different movies, books, items, etc... if the current image is inaccurate, or low quality when making your own lists, same with spelling mistakes.
added 5 years ago
It would be great if duplicate Items could be scrubbed into just one Item and updated in all lists. For example, there are currently eleven Food Items for "hamburger" that all refer to the same thing.
When users do your published list, you should be able to see which items they have chosen.
There should be a character category.
There should be a celebrity category.
There should be a comic/graphic novel/manga category.
I would like to have way to prevent people from changing the order of the list that I posted... as it is in the order voted on by the School Library Journal. It's great to tabulate the popularity of each book among ListChallenges users... but the information is most useful to people looking for a reference list in the original order. Is there a way you could retain the original order while still showing the ranking among LC users?
Since the tab I go to the most frequently is my lists, I would like to be able to get there with a single click. Either from the drop down list or even as a hot button of some kind.
I wish the pictures were bigger, sometimes they are hard to make out and just 1/4 larger would make all the difference.
It may already be possible, but I would like to be able to see all my checked items on my profile page; sorted in movies, books, places etc. I thought I could, but now I cannot find it:/
Have a draft section where we can work on lists for as long as we want before we publish them.
Let us know if you are actually going to make any more updates that people request, or if we are wasting our time asking for things.
added 4 years ago
Item search results should have a "show more" option. The current system makes it impossible to find a specific item that shares a name with several other items. Especially this problem occurs with one word book titles and books that have a lot of different editions listed. Because searching by author name is impossible, I cannot find an item even though I know it exists. Adding a new custom item every time is illogical and exhausting.
Have some way to delete the scores of trolls who just check everything, or almost everything.
Allow list publishers to delete faulty icons they have created, at least while the icon hasn't been used in one of their own challenges or that of another publisher. Usually you are aware you've messed up an icon straight away.
Add new entries to an existing list without having to start a new list.
we should have no limits on making the lists.
Please make it so that you will not need a Facebook account to post comments. It would be really nice to hear feedback on my lists. Thank you.
When you are viewing a list and click the "View" tab it displays a simple list that prints nicely.
It would be nice to have checkboxes displayed on this page (already checked and unchecked based on what you have entered on the main list).
A button to report spam (and also plagarised lists - it's getting ridiculous)
Keep updating this website. It has been almost three years since the last update, and there are many features that was said to be happening that have not happened yet.
It would be really great if on our "To Do" lists if we can alpabetize our lists and if repeats can be detected like when you create and publish a list.
Add a music section, but actually do it.
Search settings feature for narrowing down a search. Includes a tool for highest to lowest number of checkable items.
This would not only make it easier to make more complete lists, but it would also make the website more fun for those wanting to complete bigger, more accurate lists. Many would appreciate this tool.
added 5 years ago
Importing a bookshelf from goodreads as a list
Not a feature, but do you think you could dial back how often you share lists about Tom Hanks on your Facebook? Honestly you'd think there was only one actor in the world sometimes.
Add a button to add all unselected items in a list into your To Do.
add non duplicate of existing suggestion to profile
added 4 years ago
Ability to search your own to do lists so you can easily check off items completed.
Knowing how many people read a book and HATED it would prove useful in helping me know which books to avoid. Some kind of negative icon, maybe?
I think you should add a search bar for friends or other profiles so it's easier to friend people
Dates added to the last time I used/updated a list in case my checklist has changed and I can update accordingly.
added 10 months ago
I really want the option to block other users
Movie Posters should not change when the page is refreshed.
Ads in the middle of lists are now overlapping with the list items. I'm very concerned with the lack of moderation recently.
Please make this into an app! The full screen ad when scrolling is making the list refresh and deletes everything you have checked on the page
A draft option for making lists that you don't have to complete in one sitting
Be able to add items after publishing!
Can you made a Music list?
Becouse you want a song that is named New York,you will get images from New York.
I would be nice to have a seperate tap that shows all your puplished list that are currently trending.
added 3 years ago
Would be convenient if you could toggle between sort options for list items in a published list. That way, you could view it as published (list items ranked by popularity is common), but there could also be a 'Sort alphabetically' option.
Add a way to export/see a list of the things you've checked off? Both per list and per user
Why not have a section for just games? There's a ton of game lists I'm interested in creating and completing and I'd like to see others aswell!
When you go to search for a list, you should have suggestions based on the lists you've done recently. A lot of the time I don't know what I want to do.
Sort "not completed" list alphabetically.
There is currently a bug whereby if you check an item in your to-do list it does not update in the list that it originally came from. This means that you have to check back across multiple lists to try and find where the item came from.
Updating your to-do list should update the original list.
Please make an app. I am checking Google Play Store every day.
Have a "select all" button either at end of row or page.
A way to duplicate a created list before publishing so you can still edit the base list later. At the moment if I'm making a list of all books I've ever read, but I
can't publish it as I'd then have to start all over again. I understand why you can't edit lists that people have used as it's a bit unfair and invalidates their scores, but it would be nice to be able to reuse one of my lists as the base for a new list. Maybe import all items from a list to a new one?
How about sub-tabs, because most of the subjects are either in the wrong tabs or could use tabs of their own.
added 4 years ago
j bkr
To follow up on Johnnyreed96 suggestion, make a way for the lists you are not interested in to be opted out of being on your list and also make a category so we know how many have opted out of a list we have created.
added 4 years ago
I would love a button that takes you to a random list challenge. This could be on the home page or after you get the results for the list challenge you're in.
Once you've checked off a (movie), it is automatically checked off on every other list that you do (and moved to the very back for convenience). This way, previous lists that you've done are always up to date AND lists you do in the future don't become tedious and repetitive -- After all, there ARE a lot of "Top 1000 of All Time" lists!
How about an "Avoid Repeat" function so that you can avoid boomerang lists you already did for the Xth time
Remove the ad that takes up the bottom of the screen and briefly drops down from the top, freezing the whole page while selecting items on a list. This is incredibly annoying!!! And it's EVERY list, EVERY page of the list!
I've noticed a lot of newer items seem to default to something different once the list is actually published. Movies like "Across the Spider-Verse" should not be defaulting to "Untitled Spiderverse Sequel" with no image. I don't know if the site automatically resorts to the first created instance, but if a movie has been released with an official title and poster it should be reflected appropriately when going through the list.
added 5 years ago
You should be able to copy/paste your own lists for easy updates
You should make making list easy to do!
Give the ability to delete lists.
added 1 year ago
I wonder if you guys can add a feature to delete one's list.
I wish that there was an option to make a private list for just yourself. I used to always make a list with all of the different covers of a book used and use the " lists containing this item" option to check them off. But you always have to make sure to unpublish that. I forgot to unpublish ONCE and now 13 people used that list and I cannot ever unpublish it. Since you haven't implemented the search function that was suggested years ago, maybe this would be an option.
Find a way to stop this f***ing Jakeira kid from making more f***ing alternative accounts, and stealing our f***ing lists!!!
I would like to be able to sort my published lists by how many people have used them in the last 24 hours. Sometimes I get a sudden increase in list users but haven't published a list and have no idea which list was suddenly popular.
Allow hiding or blocking users spamming with the same boring lists and those we are not interested in (I've lost the count how many times I've seen that one list reposted from Buzzfeed).
Enable making of private lists viewable only to yourself or friends with invites. This also means allowing words like "my" in list titles.
You make these lists but then even when one is logged in they cannot see the list of ones they want to read. You need a filter list feature to see the ones that you "pinned". So frustrating!
List Challenges should make an app for List Challenges on iOS App Store, Amazon App Store, Play Store, and Galaxy Store.
When you watched a movie or anything else it would be nice to type it in a bar so you can find in which lists you ve already taken, this film exists
The ability to easily change the ordering of a list. For lists with many items in it, it would be useful to have a way to move one item at the bottom of the list, to somewhere near the top and vice versa. This would save a lot of time while creating bigger lists, and would add a sense of modernity to this site.
Example: Maybe being able to change the number at the top of an item directly, moving it to wherever the new number on the list would be.
I'd love a tab on the front page that showed lists from users I follow. Probably just the lists they have published.
Add a feature which allows you to save lists on this site to your profile. I have about a dozen lists I regularly use to get recommendations from and it would be easier to keep track of them if we could bookmark them for easy access on our profile.
The ability to block users who only use your lists to place 0 votes for the fun of it. I've seen the same culprit do this on more than one list I've made in the past week. Alternatively, if blocking isn't an option, at least disallow people from voting in the lists without at least 1 option selected. Because what's the point in taking a list if you're not going to click on anything except the button at the end?
When I add something to my list, the picture and name shouldn't be able to be changed without my approval. For example, on one of my lists I tried to put the movie "He's All That", but it got changed to "She's All That" with no poster and I can't fix it because it's past the user limit. If I pick something for my list, it should stay as I put it, not what the website wants it to say.
Add a way to comment on individual items on a list
Add a separate tab for video games and music
PLEASE make a subcategory under "Food" that's "Food Journal". So many people are using that category to journal their personal food diary, it's taking away from the fun of real lists.
added 2 years ago
Would it be possible to change the color of the checked items? It would be nice if it for instant was a darker shade as well as muted colour.
Love looking through old lists but having a hard seeing checked items sometimes as I've got issues with my eyes.
added 3 years ago
Make the items in the drop-down banner/menu across the top open by clicking instead of hovering. I often accidentally open the menu (hard to avoid with all the scrolling). Thanks!
compare lists with another users or friends
Better images,becouse if i want the dutch artists Ross & Iba i will get images from Diana Ross.
It would be cool if once I finish a list it would go into my "completed lists" so I could still have it around to admire, but it wouldn't be in the way of other lists I am working on. I love!
Remove "start a wildfire". It's sickening some people think it's funny and cool that theirs makes headlines and get big. Washington, Oregon, and California are deliberately being set on fire everywhere right now. My mom's abusive ex, a bar regular, said it was only a matter of time before terrorists set all those dry woods on fire (probably told the whole bar), and it's happening. Please remove "start a wildfire". Or at least change it from the burning match picture to look like people debating.
A possibility to publish a copy of the list you're making, so that if you want to make a list containing all the items from your published list and others, you can. Or, as probably already suggested, the choice to add all items from a list and not just single items.
You should be able to search for items, so if you've just read a book or watched a movie, you can check it off on all the lists on which it appears.
there should be a menu to add items to the list that was created before, so that the list can be updated at any time and no longer need to create a list from scratch.
It would be cool if we could choose the language of the list we want to search :)
If something has been checked in one list, make that same thing automatically checked in previously finished lists. That way we don't have to go back to the finished lists.
Downfall: It might slow down the time we can check the next thing, so maybe it can update finished lists when we are not actually inside a list. People won't like a lag, especially those who have completed hundreds of similar lists (your biggest fans).
Add an option to hide the list items that have been checked.
For my unpublished lists within the List Manager, it would be nice if I could organize my unpublished lists alphabetically or be given the freedom to arrange my unpublished lists however I want.
be able to search for users accounts
Allow private list - access with link only without listing it publicly or even with password (similar to the Youtube publishing options)
Please add the names of old time / vintage radio programs so that we can create lists of those programs.
I think I've seen this suggestion, but not recently.
I would use this app more frequently if when I checked something as done, it would also update other lists that I have added. Also, when looking to do a new list, I have the option of auto checking anything already completed from other lists.
The possibility to 'hide' completed activities, to make navigating to lists easier and quicker
Add an option for showing pinned items in a list
Add a feature to show my pinned items as a separate list to myself so I can check my items later
There's an app in sight? Thank you!
Have an Update All Lists feature whenever you try or watch something new
added 4 years ago
We should be able to edit lists we've made
To be able to amend list after ten views.
To correct wrong picture for example
Have a batch upload of images from my device, like 50 at a time or something. With the ability to edit image title after upload. This would prevent time consuming one by one images added.
Thank you for allowing my input!
Please add in the 'To Do' Pins in the 'Travel' section to be able to drop the pictures pinned that we want to go to into folders we can name ourselves for Countries or States that they are in. Otherwise before every trip I have to go thru 1,000+ pinned items to make sure I hit all the places I want to go before the trip vs just clicking on a folder for the state we are visiting! :)
added 5 years ago
You should add some kind of database system of things I've already checked , so if I add a new list I don't have to check the old things again.
(For example I have many movie list that share the same item. With this system I check once a movie that I've seen and it is check also in other lists)
Hello there !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!????????????????????? !!!!!!! Have a great day ! Like !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
List with items not yet completed - Like IMDb. This would make it much easier and quicker to finish long listes that are nearly completed.
We should get to choose movie from the list available and save that movie in custom list for personal reference .
Search bar for "Vote on Suggestions"!!!
You should add a comic category separate from books.
Add an option to mark every item on a list "To Do"
you should not censor lists when they feature sex workers and talk about representation in various fields, add an 18 plus feature if it offends your delicate sensibilities.
Would it be possible to view lists from another source separately from original lists? I'd rather focus on set lists and canons than other people's opinions. Thanks.
Could you show which users checked what?
Can you please remove the dislike botton on the options for voting. This is creating fan war and some fans using your platform to spread hate to other series. They are being bias and clicking the dilike button to the series that they want to bring down the actor. Please. Thank you
added 5 years ago
add ability to NOT collect points so you can edit and play with it without fear of getting shut down for point manipulation
Can someone upload ALL of the 100 bucket list scratch off posters.
I have finished the 100 movies and want to do the rest :)
Please remove dislike button on the Vote tab just keep it like button only.
Add all featured Music Artist
We urgently need a theme song with a snatchy tune on the background of this site -something which will fit the atmosphere of lost, trivia, and collected in a library substitute completely-.
make it so you can see every single item you checked of, also then you make lists we should be able to find items we have checked of fast and add them if we want to.
added 5 years ago
Hey! how do I edit a list I made 3 years ago? I want to add more "bucket list items" but I only find where to edit the name and info of the list... HELP!
extend the view limit after something is published
How about Photo Block and Opening Photo Select features, there might be other Photos that can be suitable for the opening intro photo.
Apparently there are a few people I see who can use it.
Provide option to add movies from other users list to personal list collection.
Is it possible to get a new bottom that would enable results to be emailed to people who complete one of our list challenges?
I'd especially like to see that email function be able to collate all FAVs and TO DO lists and have that all sent to our customers/your visitors.
It seems such a lost opportunity to drive engagement and retention, to not be able to do this.
Change to stats/results page formating
Our lists are and always will be travel related and the travel TAB is not the default. As such when new users click the results page, it appears that the FAVOURITE and TO-DO lists have not been saved.
This is not intuitive for first-time users to know that they have to click the Travel tab.
Make a download button so that users can see what they have and have not checked so that the have nots can become the basis of an action plan going forward.
date the list of when we did it and last did
An anti-repeat filter, to prevent Challenges from "Boomeranging" or repeating on you seconds after you complete them
added 2 years ago
Hi, could you restore the option to filter lists by used/unused please?
Add whole list to favorites and to do list. Not one item but whole list. Can't believe this is not a feature yet. I wanna save many lists without having to answer them because a lot of times I haven't watched or done anything in the list. So there should be a way to save whole lists.
I would love to be able to get information on items that I placed in my lists that I haven't yet published, just as I am able to get information on items from lists that I have already published. Thank you. :)
Can we make our own category's
When the page reloads all my progress is gone
Make sounds whenever you love or to-do it
How about a auto-stop feature for a list that has been the same for more than 5 times. I sometimes see boomerang lists.
Please stop editing the individual items' pictures that have partial nudity etc., it's just weird thanks
make page numbers grey out once page completed, usful when completing longer lists.
feature that allows you to save movies that you haven't seen (watch list?). I couldn't find it. Maybe overlooking.
The users who are publishing lists should be able to make them and save them until they want to publish them.
Add a video games category, please :)
Auto check a movie/serie/book/music... when a list is open If it was already check in another list.
feature to export csv lists with imdb ids
To aid compatibility between list's if artist / tiltle are identical spelling but only differ by lower / upper case then show on compatible list's
Maybe clear the completed items from this list.
Somebody see this !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Recent lists seen feature
There should be an Anime category.
Is it possible for you to update a book as read (movie, etc.) from one list to another? I read a few books on a previous updated list and ideally it would be great to have the update effect other list that I have previously reviewed.
Too much advertisements.
Make a separate app that I can use on my main screen so I don't have to keep going through facebook
added 6 years ago
Hello i have one question how can i see who shares my lists.
maybe have dms that would be cool. but also keeping a wall of privacy. thanks
Automatically place all list items in alphabetical order. That will make them easier to find.
added 4 months ago
Fix the images for newer movies!!! They appear when creating the lists but not once published.
added 10 months ago
Age requirements if you're going to post pornographic content. There are literal children on this app
added 10 months ago
Ability to report users, lists or content (pornographic images, graphic violence, death, spammy businesses, etc)
When publishing it would be nice if there was a step that flagged potential doubles to make it easier to edit before it is too late. If I notice a double after 10 people have used it, it drives me crazy
Add an option to export a list to an Excel spreadsheet
We should have animal penis list
Create an app for theae lists
Allow books to be added as sources, not just online lists.
please update a lot of the movie posters of movies, especially recent ones, to be high-resolution, without any unnecessary text on them. make sure that years are connected to the movies. I've noticed that when adding recent movies, it will initially seem that the movie will have the right year and high-quality image, but then when I refresh the list, the entry suddenly no longer has that associated image, and is blank. sometimes the year also "disappears".
added 4 years ago
j bkr
Add the percentage of looks at the list versus lists completed with the ability to sort. This helps to understand which site is effective or not.
Add a "Temporarily Block" Feature since most users either do know or don't know what they are actually posting, so their quizzes won't appear from one day to one year.
A demerit system should be used, since some people tend to some list photos(intro and list gradient) that tend to offend some people.
added 4 years ago
We should have a tab for the new list that people make so we know and then we don't have to search for the new list.
Please make it so that I can import items from my favorites into a list, thank you!
Add a calendars category
Include the list of selected items in the show your results segment.
Add the To Do feature to the main navigation.
A "List Penalty Box" feature, to temporarily bar certain list clients from having their lists shown by other list clients so their lists do not appear until the allotted time period is over(From a week for first timers, to a year for 5th timers).
Ohio is a state 👍=good 👎=bad
Your own suggestion above of others
When the page reloads all my progress is gone
Make a acount
could this guy can be the uncle Bob in the spider? (another roblox ...
When I look at items added to my 'to do' page, they don't contain the full item info or item stats. It would be really useful to be able to have a link to all the lists containing a certain item on the 'to do' page.
I'd love to be able to sort my "to do" list
I would love to see a sort feature that only shows the items that you have or haven't completed
Ack, wait, I forgot that I cannot use offensive language. Ack, could you delete my previous suggestion? I am literally so sorry. .__.
Re-phrasal without any offensive language being used: Find a way to stop this Jakeira kid from making more alternative accounts, and stealing our lists.
Also, could you please give us the option to delete some suggestions? I forgot to re-read the guidelines beforehand. Thank you.
Add suggestions that you added above other suggestions, so you can see it if people like your suggestions
added 8 months ago
Allow blocking other users
Ability to upload a list from csv.
be able to search for users
The ability to allow you to manually change the number of an items order. It takes way to long to move an item to the top of the list when it's at the bottom of a list with 1200 items.
You should pay the ones who created the list on our website according to the views on their list , This might increase the number of users on our websie
There should be an option to import straight from goodreads lists when making a list.
I suggest that people give intresting suggestions and not just gibberish. Also people should make the topic interesting. 🐱
It would be nice, when going into an unused list, to have the option to import checks. Since many of these items are linked in a database somewhere, it would save time for the system to ask "Do you want to import checks of known items?" or something for logged in users.
Would be great if you check an activity to be complete, that it automatically is checked as complete in other lists as well.
rank lists by most used when a search is input
Have an ad free subscription/one off payment model for the site
When viewing lists on mobile devices the ads take up a lot of screen space
We should have a people section
ask the user to an item to their list
Just to let you know why the edit has been been or something?
hi im new i need you to help me
added 10 months ago
Be able to report and block users like Didi_cool_83 who steals lists
yall should make a mobile app so it's easy for us to keep track on our phones. i use the movie and tv show list to find something new to watch
Please allow us to filter out the Guest results
I suggest to stop the boomerang system(A challenge you repeat a few minutes after you complete it)
One thing I've noticed is that the statistics tab only updates once you have around over 40 users. Until then, it uses the first 10 users and doesn't update. I would like if people could see their updated statistics before they reach 40 instead of looking at the first 10 submissions.
Add a feature that you can edit your list that way if you messed something else or wanna add more you can add it or remove stuff
Make age ratings and make it so you can filter lists by age group pls for safety
Please make food diary/journal a sub category under FOOD! I can never find any real list because of personal diaries people are making.
I want the ability to see which of my lists, or a particular user's lists I did, and didn't take.
added 10 months ago
I want to be able to filter the lists by #of items. I prefer to only use lists with between 50-500 items and not just these silly, short 10 item lists
added 6 months ago
Add comments to everyone
You could of done books that are more of kids books
Native Son by Richard Wright
Interview with a Vampire by Anne Rice
Add option to save movies from
To be able to rename something, change its photo and make the box around the photo a different box and text colour.
Add picture rotation to the photo id, sometimes there's this bug that shows the picture lengthwise
Please stop deleteing for spam it's not spam
You must have 3000 views to unpublish or delete your list
We should be able to refresh the statistics of every list item at once, and not have to do it one item at a time. This is especially useful for long lists.
Add in notes to the items (especially for travel)
Incomplete lists should NOT be allowed to be labeled "filmography", as this is a total waste of time.
There should be a list of movies that are cultural touchstones. Movies that are so embedded in our culture that other movies obliquely reference them, not as satire or parody, but more as "everybody knows...". eg. tell anybody "so and so sleeps with the fishes", and they will immediately know what you mean, even if they don't know that you're paraphrasing "The Godfather". Essentially, which 10 movies would a martian have to watch, in order to pass as human.
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F1 van de dag
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added 3 months ago
Add a feature message people
I don't think that lists should be automatically flagged as spam. Recently, two very normal lists of mine got flagged as spam, despite being completely normal posts. Thank you.
In tab "Lists Used", being able to search a title to see in which lists this title appears.
Example: I have probably 5 pages of lists I used, mostly book lists. If I read a book I know is in several lists, I don't want to have to "guess" and redo every single list I used in the past to update them. It would be great to be able to search "Crime and Punishment" for example in List Used, and only have the lists where this title appears.
I have scrolled through, but can't see this at first glance.
Please could you show the date a list was published so that folk can clearly see if it is recent or a few years old? This would help with book/film lists which state "all of X to date" or whathaveyou.
Thank you.
A dark mode would be nice :)
added 3 months ago
Lists over 500 items take such a slow time to load in the VOTE tab and then ends up crashing.
Add a coins system. As you select items, earn stars, etc. you get coins. These can be used on power-ups like more LC score.
George Russell
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Datum: Zo 18 Jun 20:00
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Denver is a state: good 👍 or bad👎
log in/sign up with your YouTube account is needed and listchallenges2 needs to be released with all of everyone's features and update history
Add The Tigger Movie to the Disney Movie list
Apple has a widespread network of OEMs and you can easily get your cracked screen
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Don't keep putting that big square box about cookies which stops people using the site as when you fill it in and it goes it comes back a few seconds later
Have the ability to hide the lists you have done. It would make for a lot less scrolling and loading.
added 2 months ago
Add a tab for pinned items.
These ads that interrupt my entire screen, can't touch anything, need to stop. It's twice a page, every page. I know you are doing this for profit but this is not the way. Makes something fun and relaxing very stressful. I DON'T CARE ABOUT FOOTBALL
We should be able to add / remove movies or whatever from lists after theyve been published. Realized i forgot stuff and cant add it now but dont want to maake a new list with 360 items
Adding Greenrock by Layla Pine to books
save drafts of lists you're making
Ranking list :
Can we make a list that you can rank items in it
Update: This already exists in the Vote tab on a list.
Completed 10 years ago