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Stranger Than Fiction (And Your Typical Worldview) - Page 19

I'll admit, half the reason for my making lists these days is that, if I don't add quite a few of these books to the system, no one will.
P.S. The theme is nonfiction, if that weren't already clear.
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avg. score: 17 of 822 (2%)
required scores: 1, 3, 7, 15, 25 

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Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee (Dee Brown)
Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee (Dee Brown)
Hyperbole and a Half (Allie Brosh)
Hyperbole and a Half (Allie Brosh)
The Devil Drives: A Life of Sir Richard Burton (Fawn M. Brodie)
The Devil Drives: A Life of Sir Richard Burton (Fawn M. Brodie)
The Stone Fields: Love and Death in the Balkans (Courtney Angela Brkic)
The Stone Fields: Love and Death in the Balkans (Courtney Angela Brkic)
Testament of Youth (Vera Brittain)
Testament of Youth (Vera Brittain)
Lucrezia Borgia: Life, Love and Death in Renaissance Italy (Sarah Bradford)
Lucrezia Borgia: Life, Love and Death in Renaissance Italy (Sarah Bradford)
Jane Eyre's Sisters (Jody Gentian Bower)
Jane Eyre's Sisters (Jody Gentian Bower)
Grimms' Bad Girls and Bold Boys: The Moral and Social Vision of the Tales (Ruth B. Bottigheimer)
Grimms' Bad Girls and Bold Boys: The Moral and Social Vision of the Tales (Ruth B. Bottigheimer)
Same-Sex Unions in Pre-Modern Europe (John Boswell)
Same-Sex Unions in Pre-Modern Europe (John Boswell)
Gender Outlaws (Kate Bornstein)
Gender Outlaws (Kate Bornstein)
Elizabeth's Women (Tracy Borman)
Elizabeth's Women (Tracy Borman)
This Craft of Verse (Jorge Luis Borges)
This Craft of Verse (Jorge Luis Borges)
Provocations: A Transnational Reader in the History of Feminist Thought (Susan Bordo (Editor), M. Cristina Alcalde (Editor))
Provocations: A Transnational Reader in the History of Feminist Thought (Susan Bordo (Editor), M. Cristina Alcalde (Editor))
Racism Without Racists (Eduardo Bonilla-Silva)
Racism Without Racists (Eduardo Bonilla-Silva)
The Shield of Achilles: War, Peace, and the Course of History (Philip Bobbitt)
The Shield of Achilles: War, Peace, and the Course of History (Philip Bobbitt)
African Perspectives on Colonialism (Albert Adu Boahen)
African Perspectives on Colonialism (Albert Adu Boahen)
Around the World in 72 Days & Other Writings (Nellie Bly)
Around the World in 72 Days & Other Writings (Nellie Bly)
The Poisoner's Handbook: Murder and the Birth of Forensic Medicine in Jazz Age New York (Deborah Blum)
The Poisoner's Handbook: Murder and the Birth of Forensic Medicine in Jazz Age New York (Deborah Blum)
Rape and Sexual Power in Early America (Sharon Block)
Rape and Sexual Power in Early America (Sharon Block)
Medieval Misogyny and the Invention of Western Romantic Love (R. Howard Bloch)
Medieval Misogyny and the Invention of Western Romantic Love (R. Howard Bloch)
Straight: The Surprisingly Short History of Heterosexuality (Hanne Blank)
Straight: The Surprisingly Short History of Heterosexuality (Hanne Blank)
Notes From No Man's Land (Eula Biss)
Notes From No Man's Land (Eula Biss)
A Lady's Life in the Rocky Mountains (Isabella L. Bird)
A Lady's Life in the Rocky Mountains (Isabella L. Bird)
The Devil's Dictionary (Ambrose Bierce)
The Devil's Dictionary (Ambrose Bierce)
Vita: Life in a Zone of Social Abandonment (João Biehl)
Vita: Life in a Zone of Social Abandonment (João Biehl)
Black Athena (Martin Bernal)
Black Athena (Martin Bernal)
Seeing Through Race: A Reinterpretation of Civil Rights Photography (Martin A. Berger, David J. Garrow)
Seeing Through Race: A Reinterpretation of Civil Rights Photography (Martin A. Berger, David J. Garrow)
Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil
Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil
Women of the Left Bank (Shari Benstock)
Women of the Left Bank (Shari Benstock)
Singlewomen in the European Past, 1250-1800 (Judith M. Bennett (Editor), Amy M. Froide (Editor)
Singlewomen in the European Past, 1250-1800 (Judith M. Bennett (Editor), Amy M. Froide (Editor)
The Country Under My Skin: A Memoir of Love and War. (Gioconda Belli)
The Country Under My Skin: A Memoir of Love and War. (Gioconda Belli)
The Poison Principle (Gail Bell)
The Poison Principle (Gail Bell)
Bring the War Home: The White Power Movement and Paramilitary America (Kathleen Belew)
Bring the War Home: The White Power Movement and Paramilitary America (Kathleen Belew)
This Little Kiddy Went to Market: The Corporate Capture of Childhood (Sharon Beder)
This Little Kiddy Went to Market: The Corporate Capture of Childhood (Sharon Beder)
Fun Home (Alison Bechdel)
Fun Home (Alison Bechdel)
The Ethics of Ambiguity (Simone De Beauvoir)
The Ethics of Ambiguity (Simone De Beauvoir)
The Second Sex (Simone De Beauvoir)
The Second Sex (Simone De Beauvoir)
Memoirs of a Dutiful Daughter (Simone De Beauvoir)
Memoirs of a Dutiful Daughter (Simone De Beauvoir)
The Prime of Life (Simone De Beauvoir)
The Prime of Life (Simone De Beauvoir)
Force of Circumstance (Simone De Beauvoir)
Force of Circumstance (Simone De Beauvoir)
Page 19 of 21
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