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Steven Weinberg: The 13 Best Science Books for the General Reader

Nobel laureate Steven Weinberg, whose new book To Explain the World I reviewed a couple of weeks back, recently took to the pages of the Guardian to present his candidates for the 13 best science books.
Weinberg is bullish on the genre of science books by scientists for the general public, as they can serve, in his words, "to make science what some scientists have always hoped it would be: a part of the culture of our times."
His list is a mix of the old and the new, including Philosophical Letters by Voltaire, Darwin's The Origin of Species, The Mysterious Universe by James Jeans, with more recent celebrated titles like Richard Dawkins' The Selfish Gene, Brain Greene's The Elegant Universe, The Whole Shebang by Timothy Ferris and Lisa Randall's excellent Warped Passages.
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Philosophical Letters (Voltaire)
Philosophical Letters (Voltaire)
The Origin of Species
The Origin of Species
On a Piece of Chalk (Thomas Huxley)
On a Piece of Chalk (Thomas Huxley)
The Mysterious Universe (James Jeans)
The Mysterious Universe (James Jeans)
The Birth and Death of the Sun (George Gamow)
The Birth and Death of the Sun (George Gamow)
The Character of Physical Law (Richard Feynman)
The Character of Physical Law (Richard Feynman)
The Elegant Universe
The Elegant Universe
The Selfish Gene
The Selfish Gene
The Making of the Atomic Bomb
The Making of the Atomic Bomb
The Inflationary Universe (Alan Guth)
The Inflationary Universe (Alan Guth)
The Whole Shebang (Timothy Ferris)
The Whole Shebang (Timothy Ferris)
Hiding in the Mirror (Lawrence Krauss)
Hiding in the Mirror (Lawrence Krauss)
Warped Passages (Lisa Randall)
Warped Passages (Lisa Randall)
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