Stacker's 100 Best Films of All Time, According to Critics
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yes, another Stacker's Best Films of All Time list - at least the 5th or 6th in LC's database, but this is the first one "according to critics," which I suppose is just Metacritic's ranking. :) Stacker gathered data from Metacritic (as of March 16, 2021), where movies are scored based on their aggregate critical reception. Movies not yet released to the public were not included. Since 1912, movie criticism has retained countless core consistencies while evolving to keep pace with the medium itself. During this time, the two respective arenas have developed what some might call a symbiotic relationship. Movies often, but not always, depend on solid reviews to succeed, and movie critics rely on the emergence of new films to keep their jobs. Furthermore, there have been periods of history during which the exchange of ideas between critics and artists have spawned new conventions or artistic movements. here are the best films of all time, according to the critics." -
avg. score: 37 of 100 (37%)
required scores: 1, 19, 28, 40, 55