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Some of the Best Books on Movies - Page 12

A list of some of the best books of movies. If you know any other good books on movies, please make a list of them because I am curious about any others.
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Page 12 of 12
Underexposed! the 50 Greatest Movies Never Made (Josh Hull)
Underexposed! the 50 Greatest Movies Never Made (Josh Hull)
Underworld USA (Colin McArthur)
Underworld USA (Colin McArthur)
Val Lewton: The Reality of Terror (Joel E. Siegel)
Val Lewton: The Reality of Terror (Joel E. Siegel)
Valley of the Dolls
Valley of the Dolls
Videodrome: Studies in the Horror Film (Tim Lucas)
Videodrome: Studies in the Horror Film (Tim Lucas)
Visionary Film (P. Adams Stanley)
Visionary Film (P. Adams Stanley)
Viv(R)E Le Cinéma (Roger Tailleur)
Viv(R)E Le Cinéma (Roger Tailleur)
Vulgar Modernism: Writing on Movies and Other Media (J. Hoberman)
Vulgar Modernism: Writing on Movies and Other Media (J. Hoberman)
Walt Disney: The Triumph of the American Imagination (Neal Gabler)
Walt Disney: The Triumph of the American Imagination (Neal Gabler)
Wanderer (Sterling Hayden)
Wanderer (Sterling Hayden)
The War, the West and the Wilderness (Kevin Brownlow)
The War, the West and the Wilderness (Kevin Brownlow)
Westerns: Aspects of a Movie Genre (Philip French)
Westerns: Aspects of a Movie Genre (Philip French)
What Is Cinema?: Volume 1 (André Bazin, Jean Renoir)
What Is Cinema?: Volume 1 (André Bazin, Jean Renoir)
What Makes Sammy Run? (Budd Schulberg)
What Makes Sammy Run? (Budd Schulberg)
When Harry Met Sally (BFI Film Classics) (Tamar Jeffers MacDonald)
When Harry Met Sally (BFI Film Classics) (Tamar Jeffers MacDonald)
When I Stop Talking You'll Know I'm Dead (Jerry Weintraub)
When I Stop Talking You'll Know I'm Dead (Jerry Weintraub)
When the Moon Waxes Red: Representation, Gender and Cultural Politics (Trinh T. Minh-Ha)
When the Moon Waxes Red: Representation, Gender and Cultural Politics (Trinh T. Minh-Ha)
When the Shooting Stops...The Cutting Begins (Ralph Rosenblum)
When the Shooting Stops...The Cutting Begins (Ralph Rosenblum)
Which Lie Did I Tell? (William Goldman)
Which Lie Did I Tell? (William Goldman)
Who the Devil Made It (Bogdonovich)
Who the Devil Made It (Bogdonovich)
Who the Hell's in It: Conversations With Hollywood's Legendary Actors (Peter Bogdonovich)
Who the Hell's in It: Conversations With Hollywood's Legendary Actors (Peter Bogdonovich)
The Whole Equation: A History of Hollywood (David Thomson)
The Whole Equation: A History of Hollywood (David Thomson)
The Wings of the Dove (BFI Film Classics) (Robin Wood)
The Wings of the Dove (BFI Film Classics) (Robin Wood)
Without Lying Down (Cari Beauchamp)
Without Lying Down (Cari Beauchamp)
Woody Allen on Woody Allen: In Conversation With Stig Björkman (Stig Björkman)
Woody Allen on Woody Allen: In Conversation With Stig Björkman (Stig Björkman)
A World Viewed: Reflections on the Ontology of Film (Stanley Cavell)
A World Viewed: Reflections on the Ontology of Film (Stanley Cavell)
Zur Kritik Des Politischen Films: 6 Analysierende Beschreibungen Und Ein Vorwort "Über Filmkritik" (Peter Nau)
Zur Kritik Des Politischen Films: 6 Analysierende Beschreibungen Und Ein Vorwort "Über Filmkritik" (Peter Nau)
Promise of Cinema: German Film Theory, 1907–1933 (Anton Kaes)
Promise of Cinema: German Film Theory, 1907–1933 (Anton Kaes)
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