Shakespeare: The English Teacher's Core Reading List
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Our maverick English Teacher and Theatre director considers 40+ years of studying, acting, directing, and teaching Billy Shakes, and comes up with 80 essential books for understanding the breadth, complexity, and sheer brilliance of his genius. Included are: Complete Works, individual editions of the plays, and studies of his life, his theatre, his plays, and those who have acted them. He chose the superb Signet Shakespeare editions because general editor Sylvan Barnet was his teacher and his mentor; he holds both the Folger Library editions and the Arden editions in very high esteem as well. He has NOT included anything on the authorship debate because he believes it to be completely specious and the product of class snobbery.Anyone who has worked in the theatre will tell you that these plays are the work of a master craftsman with a deep understanding of the intricate workings of the professional, commercial theatre - William Shakespeare.
avg. score: 12 of 80 (15%)
required scores: 1, 3, 6, 11, 23