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Servants' Books - Page 2

Random books related to servants.
Memoirs and books about servants' life in country houses, royal households or cities.
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Behind the Green Baize Door (Arlette Bannister)
Behind the Green Baize Door (Arlette Bannister)
Cap and Apron: Oral History of Domestic Service in the Shires, 1890-1950 (Samuel Mullins, Gareth Griffiths)
Cap and Apron: Oral History of Domestic Service in the Shires, 1890-1950 (Samuel Mullins, Gareth Griffiths)
The Servantless House (R. R. Phillips)
The Servantless House (R. R. Phillips)
Labours Lost: Domestic Service and the Making of Modern England (Carolyn Steedman)
Labours Lost: Domestic Service and the Making of Modern England (Carolyn Steedman)
The Victorian Domestic Servant (Trevor May)
The Victorian Domestic Servant (Trevor May)
Day in the Life of a Victorian Domestic Servant (Leonore Davidoff, Ruth Hawthorn)
Day in the Life of a Victorian Domestic Servant (Leonore Davidoff, Ruth Hawthorn)
You Wouldn't Want to Be a Victorian Servant (Fiona MacDonald and David Salariya)
You Wouldn't Want to Be a Victorian Servant (Fiona MacDonald and David Salariya)
Servants' Stories: Life Below Stairs in Their Own Words 1800-1950 (Michelle Higgs)
Servants' Stories: Life Below Stairs in Their Own Words 1800-1950 (Michelle Higgs)
A Servant of the Queen: Reminiscences (Maud Gonne MacBride)
A Servant of the Queen: Reminiscences (Maud Gonne MacBride)
Victorian Servants: A Very Peculiar History (Fiona MacDonald)
Victorian Servants: A Very Peculiar History (Fiona MacDonald)
The Female Servant and Sensation Fiction: 'Kitchen Literature' (Elizabeth Steere)
The Female Servant and Sensation Fiction: 'Kitchen Literature' (Elizabeth Steere)
Voices From the Back Stairs: Interpreting Servants' Lives at Historic House Museums (Jennifer Pustz)
Voices From the Back Stairs: Interpreting Servants' Lives at Historic House Museums (Jennifer Pustz)
Life in the Victorian Kitchen: Culinary Secrets and Servants' Stories (Karen Foy)
Life in the Victorian Kitchen: Culinary Secrets and Servants' Stories (Karen Foy)
Household Servants in Early Modern England (R. C. Richardson)
Household Servants in Early Modern England (R. C. Richardson)
Her Ladyship's Girl (Anwyn Moyle)
Her Ladyship's Girl (Anwyn Moyle)
Servants in Ayrshire 1750-1914 (Jean Aitchison)
Servants in Ayrshire 1750-1914 (Jean Aitchison)
Life Below Stairs: Domestic Servants in England From Victorian Times (Frank E. Huggett)
Life Below Stairs: Domestic Servants in England From Victorian Times (Frank E. Huggett)
Life Below Stairs: 1939 to the Present (Pamela Horn)
Life Below Stairs: 1939 to the Present (Pamela Horn)
Every Other Sunday (Jean Rennie)
Every Other Sunday (Jean Rennie)
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