Seals and Walruses
This list is for the family Otariidae and Phocidae. Otariidae are the eared seals while Phocidae are the earless seals. The Eared Seals include the Fur Seals and Sea Lions. The Earless Seals include the Monk Seal, Elephant Seal, Ross Seal, Crabeater Seal, Leopard Seal, Weddell Seal, Bearded Seal, Hooded Seal, Harbor Seal, Spotted Seal, Ringed Seal, Baikal Seal, Caspian Seal, Harp Seal, Ribbon Seal, and Grey Seal. It also includes the family Odobenidae, which is the walrus.
avg. score: 9 of 33 (28%)
required scores: 1, 2, 4, 6, 20