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Screenrant's 10 Most Depressing Kids Movies

"Kids' movies are usually cheerful and have an uplifting moral message, but there are many that are actually quite depressing. Kids' movies give filmmakers a lot of creative freedom, as there are countless fairy tales and legends that can be turned into movies for a young audience, but it's also a tricky genre. Making a successful movie for children isn't easy, as there are different ways in which writers and directors can cross boundaries, add too much content for adults, or water down their stories, not trusting that their audience will fully understand the story and its themes. On many occasions, kids' movies turned out to be quite depressing, though not necessarily dark. There are various movies for children, like 'Coraline,' that are a combination of scary and sad, but many others are depressing due to the themes addressed in them, the fate of some characters, or the overall story." -
170 users · 485 views
from · made by SteveAzo
avg. score: 5 of 10 (50%)
required scores: 1, 3, 5, 6, 7 

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Watership Down (1978)
Watership Down (1978)
My Girl (1991)
My Girl (1991)
Bridge to Terabithia (2007)
Bridge to Terabithia (2007)
The Fox and the Hound (1981)
The Fox and the Hound (1981)
A Little Princess (1995)
A Little Princess (1995)
Bambi (1942)
Bambi (1942)
The Iron Giant (1999)
The Iron Giant (1999)
The Neverending Story (1984)
The Neverending Story (1984)
Guillermo Del Toro's Pinocchio (2022)
Guillermo Del Toro's Pinocchio (2022)
Old Yeller (1957)
Old Yeller (1957)
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