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Science Fiction Films: 1895-1929 - Page 7

The earliest years of cinema were filled with science fiction films. Often they were comedies (and sometimes dramas) about new inventions, cures for baldness, sickness, and aging. A few films showed apocalyptic visions, exploration of the near and distant future, and occasionally even outer space, especially if inspired by the work of H.G. Wells and Jules Verne. Popular novels such as Alraune, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, The Invisible Man, and First Men in the Moon were subject to frequent adaptation. Alraune was made twice in 1918, and Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde was made twice in 1920 (I didn't put the same film twice by mistake)! The primary source for this list is Phil Hardy's The Overlook Film Encyclopedia: Science Fiction (Overlook Press, 1995). Some of these films are lost. I was not able to find images for all the films. Note: Lady Baffles and Detective Duck is treated as a serial by Hardy--there are more than three parts.
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High Treason (1929)
High Treason (1929)
Midstream (1929)
Midstream (1929)
The Mysterious Island (1929)
The Mysterious Island (1929)
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