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Rosa's Watch List on Rotten Tomatoes - Page 27

I don't update my Rotten Tomatoes want-to-see list very often, so some of these I've already seen. I look forward to checking them off one by one. Of course, you can too.
A lot of these movies I read about in Any Resemblance to Actual Persons, by Hal Erickson. Some I found in Cinematherapy, by Nancy Peske and Beverly West. Others come from lists, cult movie books, and Netflix. Some I have no idea how I found.
I never thought I'd make this kind of list, as I only like lists from other sources. But it's such a pain updating and reviewing on RT that I thought I would move them here. Sorry to further pollute Listchallenges!
One thing irks me: my RT list has 1,054 movies. This list has 1,051. I can only account for one of the missing movies ("Improper Behavior," 2001, apparently does not exist). I don't know what the other two are.
73 users · 5,010 views
avg. score: 176 of 1051 (17%)
required scores: 1, 50, 110, 191, 296 

How many have you seen?

The Conformist (1970)
The Conformist (1970)
Once Upon a Time in America (1984)
Once Upon a Time in America (1984)
Walkabout (1971)
Walkabout (1971)
8½ (1963)
8½ (1963)
Heat (1995)
Heat (1995)
Nekromantik (1987)
Nekromantik (1987)
Vampyres (1974)
Vampyres (1974)
The Neon Demon (2016)
The Neon Demon (2016)
Ghosts of Mississippi (1996)
Ghosts of Mississippi (1996)
Savage Grace (2007)
Savage Grace (2007)
Cool World (1992)
Cool World (1992)
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