Rolling Stone Ranks the 100 Greatest Movies of the 1980s
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"It was the decade that gave us the Reagan administration, Rubik's cubes, "The Reflex" and Run DMC. (Thank you for three of those things.) And if you went to the movies regularly, you were blessed with a steady diet of horny teens, killer robots, homesick extraterrestrials, raging bulls, road warriors, cop-and-crook team-ups, and dystopian visions of the future. So it wasn't that hard to come up with a definitive ranked list of the 100 greatest movies of the 1980s. Some of these became instant cult classics and some were smaller films championed by few at the time, and have only recently been rediscovered as true treasures. Some are movies that might have flown under your radar entirely yet have not only stood the test of time, they've proven that they're well worth yours. And all of these selections are ones we felt represented not just the decade they sprung from, but the very best that Eighties cinema had to offer." & the only Best Picture Oscar winner makes an appearance at #89.
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