Rob Fab's TBR
This is a list of books I'd like to read, or more likely, listen to on Audible. With the exception of Percy Jackson Books 4&5, the Hunger Games Trilogy, and the final 3 Books in the Nicholas Flamel series, I've never read any of these stories before. Most of them I've never even seen the film or show adaptations. And while some would say that I should read what I want, rather than what I feel like I'm required to read, I want to broaden my literary horizons. Lastly, since I can't update or edit a list on this website once it is posted, here is my plan. Around Jan of 2025, I'll post a new list of books I'd like to read. Any book that I still wanna read, and didn't get to this year, will be on that list. Today is Wed, Feb 14, 2024.
avg. score: 20 of 67 (29%)
required scores: 1, 11, 18, 23, 27