Reading Challenge: A Book a Week - 2017
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Goal: a book a week and more classics, but with two young kids, it was challenging! Definitely an eclectic list! Here are the types in order as shown: number in title, children's novel, self help, sequel, fantasy, about adoption, dystopian, inspirational, poetry, picture book, childhood favorite, audio book, biography, recommendation from a friend, short story, recommended by a stranger, western, New York Times Bestseller, blue book, from a thrift store, set in Europe, romance, thriller, book with a child narrator, Newbery Award, young adult novel, theology, classic, murder mystery, originally in a foreign language, coming of age, financial, adventure, published this year, historical, time travel, banned, movie this year, based on the cover, humorous, one word title, librarian recommended, WWII, graphic novel, deceased author, set in my state, I've been meaning to read, setting in Asia, celebrity memoir, made from a movie, 500 pages (a little too short) and historical memoir.
avg. score: 7 of 52 (13%)
required scores: 1, 3, 5, 7, 10