Ranker's Cheesy Movies That Make You Cry Anyway
"Cheesy tear-jerker movies have fought hard to win their reputation. Not everyone wants to cry at a movie. Comedies, thrillers, horror, and feel-good flicks all have their place, for eliciting different emotions. However, when you want to cry, you want a good cry, and certain movies have a reputation for getting the job done. Tear-jerkers have held a place in Hollywood for decades because of the catharsis they provide, from either the pain of tragedy or the relief of a happy ending - sometimes even both. Some may call these films 'cheesy' for the over-the-top emotions they create, but cheese isn't a bad thing. Melodrama and gut-wrenching acting work to get those tear ducts going, as many of the classics below prove. Here are some of the most well-known movies that, while cheesy, can still be counted on to make you cry anyway." - ranker.com
avg. score: 7 of 16 (46%)
required scores: 1, 4, 6, 9, 10