Pokémon Ultimate Journeys Episode Guide
Pokémon Ultimate Journeys: The Series is the twenty-fifth season of the Pokémon animated series, and the third and final season of Pokémon Journeys: The Series, known in Japan as Pocket Monsters. The season premiered in Japan on TV Tokyo from December 17, 2021 to March 24, 2023, and in the United States Netflix released new episodes on October 21, 2022; February 24, 2023 and June 23, 2023 and the final part titled Pokémon: To Be a Pokémon Master, known in Japan as Pocket Monsters: Aim to Be a Pokémon Master on September 8, 2023. In Canada, the season aired from May 28, 2022 to July 29, 2023.
avg. score: 1 of 62 (1%)
required scores: 1, 9, 19, 28, 37