Paste Magazine's the 25 Best TV Episodes of 2017
"Of all the lists Paste publishes to mark the end of the year in television—including their ranking of the 25 Best TV shows—this one may be the most exciting. After all, an uneven series, or one still finding its voice, or one already on the wane, can still produce 22 to 60 minutes or so of extraordinary storytelling. If you need further proof, you need look no further than the titles below, which embrace pilot episodes and series finales, artful expanses and perfect shorts, ranging over forms and genres as varied as the broadcast sitcom, the fantasy epic, the spy drama; the telenovela, the spin-off, the docu-sketch, and more. The episode is truly the atom of the medium, the foundation, the building block, and our selection of the 25 Best TV Episodes of 2017 reflects the fundamental strength of the art form."
avg. score: 4 of 25 (14%)
required scores: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6