"In a TV landscape where bingeing shows has become more common, the art of the episode can be easily lost. Notably on the following list of the Best Episodes of the Year, only a few are from streaming networks (which, in general, featured heavily in our Best TV of the Year list). While we may love a series as a whole, it's not always easy to pick out a defining episode when you binge an entire season at once. And yet, there is some hope that maybe crafting episodes is coming back in style."
Below, our writers have compiled some of their favorite standouts from the year, unranked. To be eligible for the list, episodes had to air between January 1 and November 20, 2020 (even if the majority of their seasons did not), and they held themselves to just one choice per series. (Also, why 21? Because "20 of 2020" was a little too on the nose)."