Note: there are less than 157 works due to the original list including duplicates, as well as my choice to only include the first and/or all encompassing volume of any series.
"Welcome to Pride Month, everyone. Whether you are looking for stories you can relate to, books to help you learn more about trans and gender non-conforming (TGNC) friends and family, diverse titles to broaden your understanding of our city and community, or just a fun, romantic, or educational read, we have something at The New York Public Library for you.
Interest in TGNC titles is currently booming, and we are thrilled to offer this list of 157 books, with a variety of titles and genres to choose from. [...]
This list is brought to you as part of the TRANSforming NYPL innovation project is published in conjunction with the Love & Resistance: Stonewall 50 exhibition currently on view at the Library."