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Mums in the Know Basingstoke Local Family Days Out - Page 2

Mums in the Know Basingstoke provides daily inspiration to make parents' lives easier and kids' lives more fun
Museums, theme parks, zoos, castles, safari parks, farms, aquariums - we got 'em or at least they're just down the road!
There's loads of local places where families can spend time together having fun - how many have you visited so far?
Why not share with friends and see if there's somewhere new you can visit together
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159 users · 2,528 views
avg. score: 10 of 45 (23%)
required scores: 1, 2, 3, 14, 22 

How many have you visited? Find them all on Mums in the Know Basingstoke

Page 2 of 2
Roald Dahl Museum & Story Centre
Roald Dahl Museum & Story Centre
Sir Harold Hillier Gardens
Sir Harold Hillier Gardens
Basingstoke Canal Visitor Centre
Basingstoke Canal Visitor Centre
Beale Park
Beale Park
Cliveden (National Trust)
Cliveden (National Trust)
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