MovieWeb's 16 Great Movies Full of Incredibly Complex Characters
"Then Hollywood's toughest task is creating a complex character. First, the protagonist must make decisions that spur plot development, and those developments must, in turn, spur more decisions; like the proverbial snake eating its own tail. The arc of the character is its skeletal framework, but it still needs flesh, blood, and eyes. This is where dialogue, direction, and performance comes into play, utilizing the tools provided by costumers, makeup artists, speech coaches, and specialized consultants to bring the character to realization. After that, all that's missing is the soul. Countless hours of work have been put into making a believably complex character, only for it to come out as flat as the screen it's projected on. It's a feat that can be attributed to luck as much as anything. When it happens for multiple characters in a movie, then they call that a miracle. Here are great movies full of incredibly complex characters." -
avg. score: 7 of 16 (44%)
required scores: 1, 3, 6, 8, 11