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Movies With the Lowest Ratings on Rotten Tomatoes - Page 2

Before you shell out at least $10 for a movie ticket, you probably want to know if a film is worth the money. And chances are, the place you consult for that insight is Rotten Tomatoes. The immensely popular aggregator culls together reviews from film critics to create a by-consensus score for each and every movie. The site ranks movies by a wide variety of factors, including number of reviews, the year it came out, and the genre it falls under. Truly wonderful ones are given the "certified fresh" stamp of approval, while the lowest-rated movies are deemed "rotten."
We do plenty of talking about the best of the best in cinematic history, but what about the worst of the worst? From awful sequels like Jaws: The Revenge, to a Jim Carrey dark thriller, to a whole lot of John Travolta, here's a look at the worst movies on Rotten Tomatoes. Don't say we didn't warn you!
120 users · 494 views
avg. score: 5 of 50 (9%)
required scores: 1, 2, 3, 4, 7 

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A Thousand Words (2012)
A Thousand Words (2012)
The Ridiculous 6 (2015)
The Ridiculous 6 (2015)
Cabin Fever (2003)
Cabin Fever (2003)
The Disappointments Room (2016)
The Disappointments Room (2016)
Max Steel (2016)
Max Steel (2016)
Precious Cargo (2016)
Precious Cargo (2016)
Stratton (2017)
Stratton (2017)
Dark Crimes (2018)
Dark Crimes (2018)
London Fields (2018)
London Fields (2018)
Gotti (2018)
Gotti (2018)
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