I focused on getting all of my most-important movies checked off of my list, as well as other priorities. Not only priorities, of course, but a very satisfactory number. :] Several of them I went ahead and bought—some before watching, some after—so I added quite a bit to my collection, thanks to some great deals on Amazon. ^^ It was a good year~ (Disclaimer: A certain romance trilogy was definitely not a priority. lol Rather, it was on my "probably won't ever watch" list. xD)
(Again, these are listed in the order in which I watched them.)
100th movie of the year: Mission: Impossible – Dead Reckoning (Birthday movie day~)
200th movie of the year: Zack Snyder's Justice league
Letterboxd list: https://letterboxd.com/kaeti/list/movies-that-i-watched-for-the-first-time-6/