I made this as something to check off my own progress more than anything, as I revisit my collection, but I hope you also enjoy it as a List Challenge. Just movies on my shelf that I need to either A) watch for the first time or B) are on my priority re-watch list. The un-watched ones are a stack passed onto me from my folks.
My shelves are sorted thusly:
1. DVD franchises whose titles don't start the same (Dirty Harry, Hobbit/Lord of the Rings etc) / boxsets.
2. DVDs sorted alphabetically.
3. Special Edition DVDs (Masters of Cinema).
4. Mixed DVD/Blu-Ray Franchises.
5. Blu-Ray Franchises whose titles don't start the same (Dark Knight trilogy etc) / boxsets.
6. Blu-rays sorted alphabetically.
7. Special Edition Blu-Rays (Masters of Cinema, Arrow etc)
8. Studio Ghibli Collection
Bonus: Movies Owned Digitally via Amazon Video