Movies that stray away from this tendency are usually deemed to be cult, weird or even irritating. Using a slower aesthetic, that preserves the image as it was shot, with no editing whatsoever, these aspects cause a feeling of strangeness to the viewer.The opposite is also true:masterpieces that deconstruct the sense of what is real in the narrative and subvert classic cinema norms, drive the viewer to a state of paying poor – or almost none – attention to the cinematographic vehicle.
Retrieving from the state of attention necessary to follow the movie string of thinking, the viewer gets bored with his passive condition of spectator, tending to focus their attention in something else.
In many occasions, due to the lack of focus, sleeping becomes the best option when who is watching realises they got lost into a cinematographic language that seems to be not much of a Hollywoodian Dream. These are the 10 Masterpieces that may make you fall asleep: